DRF Team Becomes 1st in Boulder County to Receive B-Corp Certification!

Check out this exciting news from The DRF Team!

Woohoo, my team and I are pumped to kick off 2021 with some exciting news… We are now a certified B-Corporation! This certification verifies that our business is being used as a force for good.

The certification is (very) tough to get! We are the only realtor in Boulder Country to have been awarded this, and as far as we can tell, just the 2nd realtor in the whole of Colorado.

It means the world to us because we believe just making a profit doesn’t cut it anymore. It is time for businesses to show leadership, and to prove they care about people and our planet while they do business. We strive to “B the Change” we want to see in our world. While we have always felt this way, our B-Corp certification gives you the confidence that we meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact.

Here are some of the high standards we have met to become a B-Corp:

Our Governance: We meet high standards of ethics, transparency, and have even amended our founding documents to reflect our commitment to caring for people and our planet, in addition to making a profit.

Our Clients: We have worked hard to make sure our clients are delighted with every aspect of our service

Our Community: We actively support our community. Our suppliers are 100% local and we give preference to minorities. We joyously pledge at least 1% of our profits back into our community.

Our Workers: We strive to look after workers like family, compensate them well, and work towards diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our Planet: We are now a carbon-neutral company that has done real work to reduce, reuse, and recycle. We actively seek to minimize our footprint wherever possible.

See more details here: https://bcorporation.net/

Getting B-Corp certified feels great! We challenge other Niwot businesses to consider becoming B-Corps too, feel free to ask us more about this. B the Change!

B Corp U.S. & Canada

#drfteam #drfrealestate #debfowlerrealtor #deborahreadfowler 

#realesatateinniwot #niwothomes #bcorp #bcorpcertified #bcorpcertification

#bthechange #certifiedbcorporation #ecobusiness #forceofgood

#ethicalbusiness #ethicalpractices #certifiedbcorp 

— at Deborah Read Fowler Real Estate