We have complied a list of resources from our clients, friends and the community. You will find many resources below as well advice from a homeowner whose entire home was swept away in the 2013 floods.
United Policyholders, it is a 501(c) (3) (non-profit) that offers advocacy for those affected in dealing with their insurance companies. www.Uphelp.org
Recommended first steps to fire insurance here.
What to ask your adjuster? Tips here.
Boulder Area Rental Housing Association BARHA
If you have any questions about assistance or need help replacing any federal documents, please call Joe Neguse’s office at 303-335-1045
Marshall Fire-Related Transportation and Transit Resources
For any questions please reach out Andrea Meneghel, andreameneghel@boulderchamber.com
Please contact Scott Home Inspection for discounts to any homeowners whose homes were in the fire zone and is still standing https://scotthomeinspection.com/
Jeanine Humphrey Certify IAQ Pros, 303-995-7015. She was very informative and can test the homes for VOC, Formaldehyde and for particulates.
Don Humphrey at RDA Environmental 720-238-2417. They deal with all sorts of contamination issues, and I have found them to be reasonably prices.
More tips on Smoke Remediation here.
Those with uninsured or underinsured losses should apply for assistance with FEMA by visiting DisasterAssistance.Gov; calling 1-800-621-3362; or downloading the FEMA app.
** The more people register to FEMA in the community, the more funding the community will receive… please apply**
When applying, it’s helpful to have the following information available:
- Address of the dwelling/structure where the damage occurred; Current mailing address; Current telephone number; Insurance information; Total household annual income; Social Security number; Routing and account number for checking or savings account; and A description of disaster-caused damage and losses.
The Boulder Chamber and Northwest Chamber Alliance‘s Fire Emergency Response and Recovery Resources
Boulder Chamber’s Fire Emergency Response and Recovery Resources
- Want to Volunteer?
- Self Report Damage
- Apply for Disaster Assistance
- Safe Clean Up Info
- Apply for Unemployment
- Transportation Resources
- Mental Health Resources
Northwest Chamber Alliance Provides a list of resources HERE.
- General Resources
- For Your Business
- For Your Workplace
- To Offer Support
- Restaurant Offers
- COVID-19 Resources
Advice For Those Who May Have Suffered the Loss of a Home
The following information was put together by a homeowner whose entire home was swept away in the 2013 floods. It offers valuable advice for those who may have suffered the tragic loss of a home in the Marshall fire.
SHELTER – find somewhere as fast as you can that will give you some stability and peace. The sooner you can “settle” without bouncing around friends, the better. If possible, rent for 6 mos minimum.
INSURANCE – file asap. There will be a long queue, better to get to the front of the line. Be prepared to be incredibly persistent and fight when necessary. Hopefully, depending on your situation, you will have coverage and the sooner you know what that looks like the sooner you can start to assess your options for the longer term. Depending on your insurance situation you may have options for reimbursement on basic living expenses (hotel, clothing etc.) during this immediate phase. Keep receipts for everything. When in doubt, just keep the receipt.
FIND A FRIEND WHO IS YOUR “REPRESENTATIVE”. Make them the contact person to triage all the inbound offers of help from everyone else who wants to help you. Trust me, there will be lots of offers. Have your representative help you come up with a list of basic needs for living, clothing sizes etc. This will give folks some clear direction on how to help you.
CASH IS KING. Believe me it’s the weirdest thing to accept money but we did and you should. Cash and gift cards help most vs hand me downs. But you will need both so breathe in and out and say thank you. You might know what you need for the next few days but not the next few weeks and months. Encourage your representative to suggest cash and gift cards as they will offer the most flexibility but take what is offered and pass on what you don’t think you’ll need.
PEOPLE WILL WANT TO HELP. People you don’t know, never will know. Accept it. It’s weird and strange but this is community, this is love. You will see the best in humans and it will bring out the best in yourselves. Thank them, don’t feel guilty. One day you’ll pay it forward and in the meantime it will give you great comfort.
CATALOG EVERY LOST ITEM: As soon as you’re ready, try to build a list of every item you’ve lost. I mean EVERY item. You may or may not need it for insurance. You will want it for taxes as you’ll be filing a casualty loss.
APPLY FOR EVERYTHING The Boulder Community Foundation and other organizations will set up grants. Apply for everything. Friends can apply for programs on your behalf. We got $300 from a church I’ve never been to and $1,000 from Oscar Blues. Every bit helps. This will take some time before these things are available but you will want to be plugged in to the City of Louisville / Superior so you can go to the meetings which will talk about options for grants, rebuilding etc. etc. These meetings aren’t easy as the need will be great but being smart about this will help you.
STAY HOPEFUL FOR FEMA. Biden has declared the Marshall Fire a federal disaster but not yet for individual personal property loss. This is still possible as they continue to survey the damage and would be helpful as it opens federal support, including up to $35,500 in FEMA aid. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
IF YOUR NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE. FIND SOMEONE. If you need to scream, scream. This is a loss. A real loss you should not feel guilty for or minimize. Grieve how you need. If you normally make quick decisions on big things. Do. If you don’t, give yourself time. If you’re lost, be kind to yourself and give yourself time. Your ideas about what you want to do will change.
MORTGAGE – if you have one, call your mortgage company. Some will be prepared to work with you to temporarily payments while you sort things out. Your options here can vary widely so definitely be making this call right away. It will also help that FEMA has made the designation to offer assistance (this means something to national mortgage companies) as of today.
Recommended GO Bag Contents
What we wish we would have known in case of an emergency. Recommendations on how to pack a GO bag here.
From our hearts to yours, this community will inspire the world with our resilience. Please reach out for any needs or assistance.