Next Generation Sources for Real Estate Information

If you want to really get your finger on the pulse of what is happening in the real estate market today you need to find the people who know your market, and then listen, listen, listen, and ask questions. And no you don’t have to stalk someone, at least not physically! But you can lurk around in various on-line communities like Facebook, and (my new favorite) Twitter, and see what people are saying.

We have all heard the quip that a national real estate forecast/report is about as relevant to you as an individual as a national weather forecast. This has some truth to it, but don’t swallow this whole. There are some great minds posting thoughts and analysis on-line about real estate and the economy that don’t necessarily live in your community. There are also some great minds IN your community, so you need to identify who they are and check to see if they are active in any of the on-line communities or if they have a blog.

Blogs are also a great source for some good reads about real estate. Remember when you are reading a blog that the content posted is d largely on opinion, so find someone whose opinion you are interested in and then hit it regularly.

Don’t be scared off by on-line social media! Facebook is really easy to use and you don’t have to put any personal information out there if you don’t want to. There are plenty of ways to play around with your privacy settings if you do want to post something personal to restrict access. Twitter is all about short snippets of information and links to blogs and websites that might contain the information you are looking for. You can lurk and never post anything if you don’t want to, and nothing has to be personal.

If you are interested in getting real estate information on-line here is your “to do” list:

  • Look for me on Twitter and find out who I am following – @pmcolorado – and then check out their websites and blogs
  • Look for sources on Facebook and find out who they are networking with. Search on key terms – boulder, homes, real estate, etc… to find groups and people of interest
  • Check out – a great blog from the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World network
  • Check out – a blog on luxury real estate and all things luxury from the Luxury Portfolio Fine Property Collection
  • National home info –
  • HGTV’s Real Estate website – great Guides & articles, find homes –
  • News and articles, world-wise home search capability –
  • Good local Boulder area real estate blogger –
  • Subscribe to THIS blog!

Pam Metzger
Director of Relocation
303-302-8839 (direct)