Planning Your Move–Part 5

We have reached the end! For those who started back with Step 1, here are the final pieces of the moving checklist to help set you up for success in your new home:

Two weeks before the move:

  • Find your instruction manuals and warranties for all appliances and items that will be left behind for the new owners.
  • Schedule the post-move cleaning service (if required in your home sale agreement) and arrange for access with a neighbor if you won’t be there to let the cleaners in.
  • Clean out the trunk of your car so that it is ready to accept suitcases and boxes of special documents.
  • Schedule pick-up for items that you were unable to sell or dispose of.
  • Give away houseplants that you will not be taking with you in the car.
  • Arrange for homeowner’s or renter’s insurance prior to closing on your new home, or the start of your new lease.

In the final week before the move:

  • Pick up all laundry and dry cleaning.
  • Perform final yard work and drain all power equipment of oil and gas. Cut the grass for the new homeowners!
  • Check the attic, garage and crawl space for any items that may have been overlooked.
  • Back up important computer files.
  • Return all rented videos.
  • Return digital or set-top boxes to the cable company, if required by your contract.
  • Return leased DSL or high-speed cable modems, if required by your contract.
  • Empty your safe deposit box, and pack those items in the box that will accompany you in the car.
  • Prepare the “load last, unload first box.”
  • Designate a spot in the kitchen to leave the keys, garage door openers, appliance manuals and warranty folder for the new owners or tenants.

Lastly, don’t forget to take a deep breath and enjoy your adventure! The stress is temporary, and the feeling of settling into your new home will be well worth all your effort!

Next week, we will cover some things that you should do immediately after your move to continue your smooth sailing!