Planning Your Move – Part 1

Are you ready to move?


When it comes to moving, there are so many things that have to get done it can seem like an endless list.

It’s best if you can break tasks down d on your timeline, then tackle smaller lists instead of one big one.

How do you know what to do when? Well, that’s easy! We’ve made the lists for you–all you have to do is mind your timeline and tackle the tasks one by one!




Part 1 – What to do as soon as you know you are moving.

  • Discard linens, clothing, and other household items that are too worn to move as well as any unused items not appropriate for donation.
  • Schedule a garage sale or charity donation for usable items that you don’t want to move.
  • Make hotel reservations for the move – for your trip if traveling by car, and at your destination until your temporary or permanent lodging is available.
  • Have your automobile serviced with the new climate in mind. Check the tires, oil, filters and other fluids.
  • Use up supplies in your pantry and freezer.
  • Decide if you are driving or shipping your vehicle(s).
  • Use up gasoline, solvents, cleaning fluids, propane, aerosols, and nail polish. None of these items can be safely transported. Find the safe disposal location in your area.
  • Use a floor plan of your new home to place your furniture, determine what items you may go to your new location.
  • Decide if surplus items will be stored at either end of your move, and arrange for a storage facility.
  • Update your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, and remember to include items that will be stored.
  • Decide if you need a safety deposit box and a Post Office box at your destination, and make arrangements.
  • Decide how your pets will be transported to your destination.
  • Update your address book of friends and relatives.
  • Study your company’s relocation policy and/or employment agreement to see what expenses are covered and which vendors are approved.
  • Take pictures of your possessions for a home inventory.

Come back next week for your next checklist!