To Pack or Not To Pack?

Ever wonder which items should be packed, which items should be shipped and which items should stay with you during the move? And what about a “last in, first out” box? What should go in that? We have all this covered for you! A few more moving and packing tips to keep you organized:

Items that should not be packed: Arrange for other transportation for the following items. If you are traveling by car, you can take some of them with you. Otherwise, you can send them via UPS, USPS, FedEx, or other reputable shipper of your choice. Be sure you understand how to track the shipment and definitely purchase enough insurance to cover the replacement cost of all items.

  • Valuable jewelry
  • Furs
  • Irreplaceable photos
  • Family heirlooms
  • Coin or stamp collections

Items to keep with you: If you are traveling by car, keep the below items in a single box or two that can be brought into your hotel room each night during transit. If you are flying to your new home, pack them in a carry-on bag. Lock your carry-on after clearing security–and do not check this bag!

  • Relocation information for your new area from your Realtor.
  • Automobile ownership records.
  • Insurance policies
  • Medical records
  • Prescriptions: two weeks supply of all medications should be available.
  • Personal documents including birth certificates and passports.
  • Employment records
  • Most recent 2 years of tax returns.
  • Social security cards and records.
  • School and immunization records.
  • Spare car keys and house keys for your new home.
  • All credit cards
  • Checkbooks for all accounts
  • Chargers for cellphones, laptops, and other electronic equipment.
  • Personal phone book or electronic organizer
  • A folder for all your move-related travel expenses, including: fuel, lodging and meals.

The “Last in, First out” Box: This box can travel in the moving truck, but should be the first box out. It will help you being to set up your new home as the rest of your belongings are coming off the truck.

  • Linens for as many beds as you will be using on your first night, or sleeping bags for everyone.
  • Small tool kit with hammer, pliers, and screw drivers.
  • Scissors and box cutters.
  • Large trash bags.
  • A few rolls of toilet paper.
  • 1-2 rolls of paper towels.
  • Light bulbs.
  • Extension cords.
  • First aid kit and supplies.
  • Paper cups, plates, and napkins as well as plastic utensils.
  • Pre-moistened hand towels, cleaning cloths and hand sanitizer.
  • Aspirin and bottled water.

That is a lot of organization! But each step will set you up for success in your new home. If you are just getting started, check out the beginning of the checklist series!

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